Author Archives: admin

Resources update

I have collected a large amount of data on consort organs, including information on the instruments themselves, the contexts in which they were used, the people who owned them and played on them, and the repertoire used with them. I also have an extensive bibliography covering most of the extant instruments, as well as more general topics relating to the consort organ in seventeenth-century music. Some of that information will appear here, although how much will depend to some extent on the outcome of publishing options for my research in due course. For now I have added some information on specifications and compasses to the Resources page. If visitors to the site are seeking further information about individual instruments or their contexts they are very welcome to contact me to see if I can assist.

References update

The list of seventeenth-century references to secular organs has been updated and now contains over 110 entries. I am grateful to Dominic Gwynn for alerting me to some of which I was unaware. Any further additions would be gratefully received.

The website is up and running! Many thanks indeed to the marvellous Michael Withers for offering his technical knowhow. More info and features will be added soon…